Friday, March 20, 2009

my new home!!!

I've moved, and I have a new place I call home!! Please come by for a visit -- let me know you were there... say hi!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Seth Aaron

Seth Aaron has done some graphic design work for me ... (see my work-in-progress logo here), so I thought I'd return the favor. He's not only a very good graphic artist, but also a quite-good singer-songwriter, and he's playing at Main St Java TONIGHT!!! Here are a few shots from his practice session ... more to follow after the gig!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a day in the life...

Being home - and unemployed - isn't always the best. It does, however, provide a special treat - sometimes it feels a bit like "every day's a saturday" ..
I wanted to share some  snapshots of the day today...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Heebners!!

Outside - it was cold, windy, snowy - one could say it was almost miserable.

But inside, it was a different story! Cozy, candlelit, and snug.
.. good times with many family and friends.

That was the picture on January 10, when Amanda and Steve shared their wedding day with me. What a great couple - not really the beginning, but instead the continuation of something beautiful. 

Thanks, Steve and Amanda, for letting me join you in your big day! Here are a few of my favorite shots to wet your appetite!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Those of you who know my little guy Zac also know that he is .. let's see, where do I start? You've got the typical "parent responses" - a bundle of joy, a handful, good for a smile. But I want to say he's more than just those things - to me, he's proof that I have a heavenly Father who truly enjoys to give His children good gifts. In this case, He gave Ker and I, as parents, an extra-special, easy-to-love, fill-the-house-with-laughter little boy who radiates a joy that is not of this world (unless, of course, you're too slow with getting food on his tray!! ;) )

"what's that - you're getting the camera out? here - let me give you my HAMBONE face!!"

This is one of my favorites from the night...

For the pictures, thanks need to go out to my "second shooter", doubling as my manager, and ultimately shining as my wife - for getting behind the camera and helping us share the fun with you!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Krista & Chris

The other Saturday, I had the privilege of taking photos at Krista and Chris's wedding. It was a great day, spending time with a lot of fun people. The cold may have kept us inside (for the most part!!), but it was in no way a damper on the day! So, you two, here's your teazer ... enjoy! (and thanks again!!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


The other day, Zac must've been on mom's good side -- he got his first "hold it by yourself" popsicle! feet-up, kick'n back good stuff!stick-licking good! then - on to bathe. some tricky shooting allowed us to share the moment with you!

smiles, laughs, and all-around good times had by all!