Sunday, November 30, 2008

Krista & Chris

The other Saturday, I had the privilege of taking photos at Krista and Chris's wedding. It was a great day, spending time with a lot of fun people. The cold may have kept us inside (for the most part!!), but it was in no way a damper on the day! So, you two, here's your teazer ... enjoy! (and thanks again!!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


The other day, Zac must've been on mom's good side -- he got his first "hold it by yourself" popsicle! feet-up, kick'n back good stuff!stick-licking good! then - on to bathe. some tricky shooting allowed us to share the moment with you!

smiles, laughs, and all-around good times had by all!

winds of change just may be blowing

This weekend's a big one for me! Krista and Chris are getting married, and I get to be their photographer! I'm absolutely THRILLED at this opportunity (thanks again, you two!) - it's going to be a great time, and I can't wait to see - and share - the results!
For now, here's some of what I've been shooting. The other day, I was coming back from scouting outdoor spots for the wedding, and found this little ancient cemetary. The storm clouds were rolling in, and that added to the "intensity" of the moment. Here's a few shots from the afternoon...three words came to mind after seeing this next shot - sounds like a good title to me..

thanks for serving

Monday, November 10, 2008

it's been a while...

...too long, i'd say. been busy trying to get my ducks in a row - some big days coming up! check back to see ... but for now, here's a bit of my inspiration - why i do what i do with my camera. i want other people to be able to enjoy theirs as much as i enjoy mine!