Those of you who know my little guy Zac also know that he is .. let's see, where do I start? You've got the typical "parent responses" - a bundle of joy, a handful, good for a smile. But I want to say he's more than just those things - to me, he's proof that I have a heavenly Father who truly enjoys to give His children good gifts. In this case, He gave Ker and I, as parents, an extra-special, easy-to-love, fill-the-house-with-laughter little boy who radiates a joy that is not of this world (unless, of course, you're too slow with getting food on his tray!! ;) )

"what's that - you're getting the camera out? here - let me give you my HAMBONE face!!"

This is one of my favorites from the night...

For the pictures, thanks need to go out to my "second shooter", doubling as my manager, and ultimately shining as my wife - for getting behind the camera and helping us share the fun with you!!